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MLG joined the Arusha Initiative

MLG joined the Arusha Initiative. The Arusha Initiative aims to raise awareness about the processes for nominating and selecting leaders of human rights mechanisms within the African Union. The Africa’s Best Campaign is designed to empower African rights holders to advocate for the nomination and selection of the most qualified candidates to lead these mechanisms. By increasing awareness and mobilizing public support, the campaign seeks to make the selection process more competitive and improve
the quality of leadership within African human rights institutions.

Hence, the Arusha Initiative mainly has the followung objectives.

  1. Create a platform for popular engagement around the nomination and selection of judges for
    the African Court and other human rights mechanisms.
  2. Generate broader interest among rights holders in the impact and operation of African human
    rights mechanisms and the African Union.
  3. Raise awareness about upcoming elections for judges to the African Court and educate rights
    holders about the selection process, timelines, and their role in ensuring transparency and
  4. Increase the likelihood of nominating more qualified candidates than in previous election

MLG Communications Team