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Editorial Policy for the YLI’s Insight Online Magazine

1. Introduction:

Insight Online Magazine is MLG’s online magazine that Young Lawyers (Law Students, Law Graduates and Junior Professional Legal Practitioners) are contributing articles on it. The law firm strongly believes that articles posted based on the writer’s opinions, comments, reflections, observations, and studies will make a heavy impact on policymakers, educators, implementers, and society as a whole.

2. Mission and Scope:

2.1. Mission Statement:

The mission of Insight Online Magazine is to promote practical and scholarly discourse and contribute to the advancement of legal knowledge among the community members of the Young Lawyers Initiative and beyond by publishing original opinions and commentary on various legal topics.

2.2. Scope:

The Magazine welcomes submissions on a wide range of legal subjects, including but not limited to constitutional law, criminal law, international law, commercial law, family law, intellectual property law, human rights, environmental law, legal theories, and other issues that have an impact on the legal profession at large.

3. Editorial Independence and Integrity:

3.1. Editorial Independence:

MLG upholds its editorial mandate ensuring that the Insight Online Magazine’s content and the publishing process serve the mission of the publication and remain professional.

3.2. Conflict of Interest:

The Magazine requires its editorial team, reviewers, and contributors to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could compromise the integrity and objectivity of their work. Appropriate measures will be taken by MLG to address and manage conflicts of interest.

4. Peer Review Process:

4.1. Rigorous Peer Review:

Insight Online Magazine follows a rigorous peer review process to ensure the quality and integrity of published articles. All submissions undergo a peer review by the editorial team and experts from the MLG. Reviewers provide constructive feedback and recommendations to the authors and the editorial team when required.

4.2. Timely Review:

Insight Online Magazine is committed to conducting the peer review process in a timely manner. The editorial board shall strive to provide prompt feedback to authors and ensure efficient communication between authors, reviewers, and the MLG.

5. Publication Ethics: Plagiarism and Originality:

Insight Online Magazine adheres to strict standards of professional and academic integrity. Plagiarism in any form is strictly prohibited. Authors must ensure that their submissions are original works, properly cite and attribute sources (if they take others’ ideas), and obtain necessary permissions for copyrighted materials.

6. Copyright and Licensing:

6.1. Copyright:

Both the writer and MLG hold a non-exclusive license to publish the articles in any form of publication, allowed to distribute and reproduce the articles, and make the work available to the public through any mechanism. The writer endorses this when sending his works for publication in the MLG’s Insight Online Magazine.  

6.2. Open Access:

Insight Online Magazine is committed to open-access principles. It may offer different open access options to authors, enabling widespread dissemination of research and facilitating access to legal scholarship through different ways including accession from the MLG’s website.

7. Editorial Board and Reviewers:

7.1. Editorial Board Selection:

The Magazine ‘s editorial board consists of fellows of the Young Lawyers Initiative as well as other legal professionals and practitioners with expertise in various legal fields. Members are selected by MLG based on their qualifications, expertise, and commitment to the mission of Insight Online Magazine.

7.2. Reviewer Selection:

Reviewers are selected by the editorial board based on their expertise and scholarly contributions in relevant legal areas. The editorial board can maintain a diverse pool of reviewers to ensure fair and impartial evaluations.

7.3. Editorial Updates:

This editorial policy may be periodically reviewed and updated to reflect evolving best practices, ethical standards, and changes in the field of legal scholarship. Any updates to the policy will be communicated to the Insight Online Magazine stakeholders.

8. Author Guidelines:

8.1. Manuscript Submission Guidelines:

8.1.1. Manuscript Requirements: Manuscripts should be original, well-analyzed, and adhere to the professional standard. We welcome articles, case comments, book reviews, and essays on a wide range of law and related topics.

8.1.2. Length: Articles should be in the range of 600 to 1000 words including references (if any).

8.1.3. Citation Styles and Formatting: Citation should be in APA and the text of submissions shall be in Times New Roman, 1.5 spacing, Font Size 12 (and Font Size 10 for footnotes). Submissions in Amharic shall be in Power Geez Unicode 1, Font Size 11 (and Font Size 9 for footnotes). 

8.1.4. Language: Submissions could be in Amharic or English.

8.2. Submission Process:

8.2.1. Submission: All submissions should be sent via email to the submission of draft articles shall be sent to the Editor Board through   

8.2.2. Disclosures: Authors should include their full name, affiliation, contact email, and a brief biographical note of not more than 50 words.  

8.2.3. Review Process: Manuscripts will undergo a rigorous peer review process by our experts and members of the editorial board. 

8.2.4. Publication Ethics: The Insight Online Magazine adheres to the highest ethical and professional standards in publishing. Submitted manuscripts should be original, and authors must affirm that their work has not been published elsewhere.

8.2.5. Important Date: Submissions can be send anytime. No deadline.

8.3. Disclaimer – Opinions expressed in articles, comments, case comments and sharing thoughts do not reflect the views of the MLG, Editorial Board.

8.4. Multiple Submissions and Plagiarism:

The Magazine  prohibits simultaneous submissions of the same manuscript to other publications. Authors are also expected to ensure that their submissions are free from plagiarism, self-plagiarism, or any other form of academic misconduct.

8.5. Special Issues and Theme-based Articles:

The editorial board is mandated to publish special issues or theme-based articles focusing on specific legal topics or emerging areas of interest whenever necessary. These special issues provide in-depth analysis and contribute to the professional and scholarly discourse on specialized subjects within the field of law.

8.6. Language and Accessibility:

The Magazine encourages submissions in multiple languages, recognizing the global nature of legal scholarship. However, all published articles are required to include an abstract and keywords in English to ensure accessibility and reach a broader audience.

8.7. Editorial Commentary and Book Reviews:

In addition to research articles, the Magazine may also publish editorial commentary and book reviews. These commentaries and reviews offer critical analysis and commentary on recent legal developments, significant court decisions, or influential legal publications.

8.8. Editorial Board’s Meeting Procedures and Mandates

– The editorial board will have periodical and non-periodical meetings either physically or virtually

– The quorum of the board will be 50% + 1

– If the board has an equal vote, the party that incorporates the Board Chairperson will be considered the majority;

– The board is mandated to collect manuscripts, evaluate them, select reviewers, choose final manuscripts for publication, and decide the layout of the Magazine , .

8.9. Editorial Board Responsibilities:

The editorial board of the Magazine plays a crucial role in upholding the Magazine’s editorial policy. They are responsible for reviewing and selecting articles for publication, ensuring the quality and integrity of the Magazine’s content, and guiding the strategic direction of the publication.

9. Types of Articles:

The Magazine  publishes various types of articles, including but not limited to:

9.1. Research Articles: Original research contributions that present new insights, theories, methodologies, or empirical findings in the field of law

9.2. Case Comments: Analytical discussions and critiques of significant court decisions, highlighting their legal implications and potential impact on legal doctrine.

9.3. Legal Analysis: In-depth analyses of legal issues, statutes, regulations, or legal frameworks, providing a comprehensive understanding of complex legal topics.

9.4. Comparative Studies: Comparative analyses of legal systems, legal principles, or legal approaches across different jurisdictions, shedding light on similarities, differences, and lessons learned.

9.5. Policy Perspectives: Articles that explore and evaluate legal policies, proposing reforms or improvements to existing legal frameworks.

9.6. Practice-oriented Articles: Articles that address practical legal issues, offering guidance, insights, and best practices for legal professionals.

9.7. Social Perspectives: Articles that explore socio-legal issues and lessons

10. Editorial Calendar:

The Magazine may follow an editorial calendar, outlining the themes or topics for each issue in advance. This helps align submissions, review processes, and publication timelines, ensuring a diverse range of articles and avoiding duplication of topics.

11. Cross-disciplinary Approach:

Recognizing the interdisciplinary nature of law, the Magazine welcomes submissions that adopt a cross-disciplinary approach, integrating legal insights from related fields such as economics, sociology, political science, or philosophy. This broadens the scope of legal scholarship and encourages interdisciplinary dialogue.
