Mr. Metassebia, the Board Chairperson of LHR, made an openning speech on ‘EAST AFRICAN LAWYERS CONFERENCE ON HUMAN RIGHTS’.

Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR) with the support of the UN Office of High Commissioner for Human rights- East African Regional Office has organized the first East African Lawyers Conference on Human Rights in Addis Ababa, Skylight Hotel, which was openned on December 13, 2022.

LHR believes meaningful involvement of lawyers in the protection and promotion of human rights through advocacy and litigation. Eastern Africa countries should consider both challenges and achievements pertaining to the promotion and judicial enforcement of human rights in the Region.

Hence, the conference enables sharing the of varied experiences among lawyers in East Africa.

The participants of the event included practicing lawyers from Kenya, Uganda, Sudan, and South Sudan as well as renowned lawyers invited from across Ethiopia including representatives from regional states.

The Conference discusses topics such as the role of lawyers in the protection of human rights, the role of courts in enforcing human rights provisions of the FDRE Constitution, and opportunities and challenges facing lawyers in the protection and promotion of human rights.

Source: Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR)